New Paper ‘An All Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Unstructured Mesh Generator for High Order Elements’ published in the Journal of Open Source Software

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The paper An All Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Unstructured Mesh Generator for High Order Elements of David A. Kopriva, Andrew R. Winters, Michael Schlottke-Lakemper, Joseph A. Schoonover, and me has been published in the Journal of Open Source Software.

HOHQMesh generates unstructured all-quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes with high order boundary information for use with spectral element solvers. Model input by the user requires only an optional outer boundary curve plus any number of inner boundary curves that are built as chains of simple geometric entities (lines and circles), user defined equations, and cubic splines. Inner boundary curves can be designated as interface boundaries to force element edges along them. Quadrilateral meshes are generated automatically with the mesh sizes guided by a background grid and the model, without additional input by the user. Hexahedral meshes are generated by extrusions of a quadrilateral mesh, including sweeping along a curve, and can follow bottom topography. The mesh files that HOHQMesh generates include high order polynomial interpolation points of arbitrary order.

The software repository is available on GitHub. There is also a Julia frontend with additional functionality.