Saurav Samantaray joins our group
Saurav Samantaray has joined our group as a postdoc in February 2025. He will work on a joint project with Friederike Schmid (Institute of Physics, Johannes ...
Saurav Samantaray has joined our group as a postdoc in February 2025. He will work on a joint project with Friederike Schmid (Institute of Physics, Johannes ...
I will give a talk Structure-preserving numerical methods for dispersive wave equations at the Rhein-Main-Arbeitskreis Mathematics of Computation on Friday, ...
I will give a talk Robust and efficient time integration methods for compressible fluid dynamics at the collaborative research center TRR 146: Multiscale Sim...
Abhijit Biswas, David I. Ketcheson, Jochen Schütz, and I have published our new preprint Traveling-wave solutions and structure-preserving numerical methods ...
The paper An All Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Unstructured Mesh Generator for High Order Elements of David A. Kopriva, Andrew R. Winters, Michael Schlottke-Lakem...
Arpit Babbar has been awarded a prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdocs by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He will work on “Discontinuou...
The paper Structure-preserving numerical methods for Fokker-Planck equations of Hanna Bartel, Joshua Lampert, and me has been published in the Proceedings in...
The paper GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl: A Julia package to visualise geoscientific data and create numerical model setups of Boris J. P. Kaus, Marcel Thielma...
The paper On the robustness of high-order upwind summation-by-parts methods for nonlinear conservation laws of Andrew R. Winters, Michael Schlottke-Lakemper,...
Arpit Babbar will present some of his PhD work at the Indo-German Workshop on Hardware-aware Scientific Computing (IGHASC) in Heidelberg.