New Preprint ‘A Note on Numerical Fluxes Conserving Harten’s Entropies for the Compressible Euler Equations’ on arXiv

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I have published my new preprint A Note on Numerical Fluxes Conserving Harten’s Entropies for the Compressible Euler Equations on arXiv.

Entropy-conserving numerical fluxes are a cornerstone of modern high-order entropy-dissipative discretizations of conservation laws. In addition to entropy conservation, other structural properties mimicking the continuous level such as pressure equilibrium and kinetic energy preservation are important. This note proves that there are no numerical fluxes conserving (one of) Harten’s entropies for the compressible Euler equations that also preserve pressure equilibria and have a density flux independent of the pressure. This is in contrast to fluxes based on the physical entropy, where even kinetic energy preservation can be achieved in addition.

The reproducibility repository is available on GitHub.